Top 50 Blogs By Accounting Professors, Students and Professionals
Accounting professors and students may know how to crunch numbers, but few of them maintain blogs. That is why this list may prove valuable for anyone who seeks to study accounting — it includes every blog we could possibly find by academia. We’ve also included some of the top professional blogs that may appeal to accounting students, including information on accounting, technology and marketing.
Accounting Professors
- 365 Days on a Budget: University of Alabama – Birmingham assistant professor finance Stephanie Rauterkus helps families budget for every day of the year.
- Accounting Coach: After working as an accountant, consultant, and university accounting instructor for more than 25 years, Harold Averkamp formed in 2003.
- Andy’s Teaching and Learning Blog: Andy is a tenured instructor and department chair at Edmonds Community College, Washington.
- Bob Jensen’s Blogs: Retired Trinity University professor Bob Jensen is a prolific contributor to AECM.
- Everything Finance: The Kellogg School’s Finance department is renowned in a broad range of specialties, from technical asset pricing to corporate financial policies and capital market dynamics.
- Finance Professor: A blog to accompany Dr. Jim Mahar’s finance classes at St. Bonaventure University.
- Financial Literacy and Ignorance: Annamaria Lusardi is the Joel Z. and Susan Hyatt Professor of Economics at Dartmouth College and a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research.
- Financial Market Commentary: Robert A. Weigand, Ph.D. is professor of finance and holder of the Brenneman Professorship in Business Strategy at Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas.
- Financial Rounds: This blog is written by a currently untenured finance professor at a doctoral granting school somewhere on the East Coast of the USA.
Pondering the Classroom: David Albrecht, Ph.D., CPA, is an accounting professor at a liberal arts college. He enjoys teaching financial accounting as well as cost/managerial accounting.
- Prem Sikka: University of Essex accounting professor Prem Sikka blogs for The Guardian on the financial markets in the UK and abroad.
- Prof. Jayanth R. Varma’s Financial Markets Blog: Prof. Jayanth R. Varma’s Financial Markets Blog on financial markets and their regulation.
- Professor David Kass: Professor David Kass has published articles in corporate finance, industrial organization, and health economics. He teaches at Harvard.
- Really Engaging Accounting: Steven Homik uses this blog as a supplemental tool for the courses he teaches at the University of Central Florida, in the Kenneth G. Dixon School of Accounting.
- Tick Marks: Dan Meyer blogs about accounting, and his posts focus on tax and personal finance. He also blogs about accounting students.
- The Accounting Onion: Thomas I. Selling PhD, CPA is retired, and co-founder and majority beneficial owner of Grove Technologies, LLC.
- The AGA Weblog: Willamette assistant professor Kenneth Smith has written a blog since 2008 for the Association of Government Accountants.
- The Summa: Professor David Albrecht uses this blog to serve as an outlet for his thoughts on higher education in general and accounting education in particular, financial accounting and its regulation, and accounting humor and movies.
- The XBRL Canada Blog: XBRL Canada is a non-profit consortium formed to foster and encourage the use of XBRL in Canada. Gerald Trites is Professor of Accounting and Information Systems at St Francis Xavier University.
Forensic Accounting and Tax Professors
- 21st Century Taxation: This blog by Professor Nellen, at tax professor at San Jose State University, is about tax reform and moving tax systems into the 21st century.
- Dr. Del’s Accounting Information Systems and Security Research Blog: DeVries’ specialty is Accounting Information Systems, or in business terms: business process, controls, and security.
- Fraudbytes: Mark Zimbelman, an accounting professor at Brigham Young University, and a doctoral student report news about financial statement fraud and corporate governance.
- International Corporate Governance: Allison Garrett is the Senior VP of Academic Affairs at Oklahoma Christian University and a former law professor and former VP and General Counsel of Wal-Mart’s Corporate Division.
- New Vision CPA Group: Jody Padar, CPA is in this group, and she’s an adjunct professor with a specialty in Tax Quickbooks. She’s also a professional speaker.
- Professor Fraud: William Kresse, associate professor at the Graham School of Management of Saint Xavier University, is a CPA, an attorney, and a Certified Fraud Examiner.
- Securities Law Prof Blog: Barbara Black is the Charles Hartsock Professor of Law Director, Corporate Law Center
Univ. of Cincinnati College of Law.
- TaxProf Blog: Paul L. Caron is a Straus Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Pepperdine University School of Law.
- The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation: This blog provides the latest insights into corporate oversight, provided by faculty, fellows, guest contributors and the program advisory board.
Accounting Students
- 2 become a CPA: Donna, a CPA candidate, offers proven study tips, practices and motivation for passing the CPA exam.
- 3 Letters, 1 Day At a Time: Take a real-time look into the life of someone facing the challenges of the CPA exam.
- Accountant by Day (Blogger by Night): This is the continuing saga of an accounting student who achieved a master’s degree (detailed in and has become employed with a student loan.
- CPA Zone: This sophisticated and popular blog is managed by an accounting student working toward a CPA Exam and a “dream job.”
- CPA2Blog: This student blogger’s goal is to try to post useful information and links to help other candidates pass the CPA exam.
- Exam Cram: Gain some insight and amusement from these New Jersey Society of CPA student members who currently are studying for and taking the CPA Exam.
- I want to be a CA Accounting Blog: A blogger studying to be a CA (Chartered Accountant) in Canada offers this blog about the process.
- Sleep On CPA: This blogger is a CPA Exam candidate who has cleared AUD.
- Student Life Blog: Kylee and Grett are first-year NC State Jenkins MAC (Master of Accounting) students who share their experiences in job searches, classes, adjustment to grad school and more.
- The Accounting Student: An eighteen-year-old UK university student who studies accounting and finance full time writes this blog, which focuses on the foundations of accounting.
- The Student CPA: a student in the master’s program for professional accounting strives strives to provide learning resources for accounting courses, graduate business school admission tips, information about careers in accounting, and job search strategies.
Professional Accounting Blogs
A Counting School (Hardcore Chartered Accountancy): After passing the UFE on the first shot, and obtaining a CA designation in 2008, the positive feedback kept the writing going for this blogger.
- Accountant jokes and fun: Who can resist a little lightheartedness amongst the angst of studies and exams? This blog is supported by the Tax Advice Network, the UK’s largest network of independent tax advisers.
- CPA Exam Preparation Blog: The CPA Exam is one of the most important exams you will take. This blog focuses on the Roger Method of instruction.
- CPA Success: The Maryland Association of CPAs provides tips on how to manage your own finances and build your accounting business.
- CPA Technology Blog: Brian Tankersley, CPA, blogs on technology issues and news for accountants of all types.
- David Rachford’s CPA Marketing Center Blog: Rachford posts ways for tax accountants to build and market their businesses.
- Fr0m Gr3g’s H3ad: With active involvement in the Houston tech community for almost 25 years, Greg brings insight, information and commentary on accounting and tech trends.
- Nicholas J. Pennewell, CPA — Where Every Penny Matters: A vast resource for students, from a CPA who is well versed in the studies of accounting and finance.
- The TechGap: Insights and ideas about public accounting and technology and a digital resource for content specifically created for the tax and accounting profession.
- TSCPA Governmental Affairs Blog: This fairly new blog offers news related to accounting and finance from the Texas Society of CPAs.
- Ungar Cover – Joel M. Ungar, CPA, CFE: Ungar tells it like it is for business owners and managers who need help understanding accounting, auditing, financial reporting, SEC reporting requirements, how to deal with their accountants and more.
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